Zoom, Slack, And Telegram Integration Documents - WorkDo.io

Zoom, Slack, And Telegram Integration

User Type: Company Profile

Integrating WorkDo with Communication Tools: Zoom, Slack, and Telegram

Getting Started:

To integrate your WorkDo app with Zoom, Slack, and Telegram, follow these steps:

  • Access the Settings panel in your WorkDo app account, located at the bottom of your dashboard navigation panel.

Editing Zoom Integration Settings:

In the Zoom integration settings panel, you can modify the following:

  • Zoom API key: Enter your Zoom API key.
  • Zoom API secret: Enter your Zoom API secret.

Obtain Zoom API Key and Secret Key:

  • Log into the Zoom App Marketplace with your Zoom account.
  • Click on “Develop” > “Build the app.”
  • Select JWT and click “Create.”
  • Fill in details like company name, developer name, and email address.
  • Copy the API and API secret keys to your WorkDo app account.
  • Enable Event Subscriptions in the Feature menu.

Editing Slack Integration Settings:

In the Slack integration settings panel, modify the following:

  • Enter Slack Webhook URL.
  • Choose the information to send to Slack for various events.

Obtain Slack Webhook URL:

  • Create a new Slack app on this page.
  • Enter the app name, choose a workspace, and click “Create app.”
  • In app settings, select “Incoming Webhooks” and activate them.
  • Click “Add New Webhook to Workspace,” choose a channel, and authorize your app.
  • Copy the generated Webhook URL to your WorkDo app.

Telegram Integration Settings:

In the Telegram integration settings, modify the following:

  • Telegram Access Token: Enter your Telegram Access Token.
  • Telegram Chat ID: Enter your Telegram Chat ID.

Set events to trigger a Telegram message:

  • New Holiday
  • New Meeting
  • Lead to Deal Conversion
  • New Estimation
  • New Task Comment
  • New Milestone
  • New Support Ticket
  • New Event
  • New Company Policy
  • New Award
  • New Project
  • New Project Status
  • New Invoice
  • Invoice Status Update
  • New Lead
  • New Deal
  • New Task
  • Task Moved
  • New Payment
  • New Contract

Follow the instructions for each integration to ensure seamless communication between your WorkDo app and these popular tools.

Need more help?

If you’re still uncertain or need professional guidance, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can contact us via email or submit a ticket with a description of your issue. Our team of experts is always available to help you with any questions. Rest assured that we’ll respond to your inquiry promptly.

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