
Vehicle Inspection Management – Dash SaaS Add-on

  • Pre-Required : WorkDo Dash SaaS
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$ 69

Vehicles Page

The Vehicles page allows you to create and manage vehicles scheduled for inspection, including essential details such as Vehicle ID, Model, License, and VIN. Automated reminders can be set for clients to schedule inspections via email notifications, ensuring timely maintenance. Additionally, you can seamlessly add new vehicles and update existing information as needed.

Vehicle Inspection Management – Dash SaaS Add-on
Vehicle Inspection Management – Dash SaaS Add-on

Inspection Requests Page

On the Inspection Requests page, incoming inspection requests can be reviewed and processed efficiently. You can approve or decline requests based on availability and priority, facilitating effective communication with clients and streamlining inspection scheduling.

Defects and Repairs Page

In the Defects and Repairs section, document defects identified during inspections and track repair progress. Generate invoices for repair services provided and access a comprehensive view of all invoices and their status for easy monitoring and management.

Vehicle Inspection Management – Dash SaaS Add-on
Vehicle Inspection Management – Dash SaaS Add-on


Overall, the Vehicle Inspection Management Integration in Dash SaaS streamlines workflow processes enhances communication, improves maintenance practices, and ensures financial transparency. With this solution, you can optimize your vehicle inspection processes for efficiency, compliance, and client satisfaction.

From our system

Screenshots from our system

To explore the functionality and usage of these add-ons, refer to the accompanying screenshots for step-by-step instructions on how to maximize their features.


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