
With Twitter – Dash SaaS Add-on

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$ 29

Enhanced User Experience

This integration significantly enhances the user experience by providing a quick and hassle-free method of accessing Dash SaaS. With just a few clicks, users can authenticate their identity through Twitter, bypassing the traditional sign-up and login procedures. This streamlined process not only saves time but also encourages more frequent use of the platform, as users can effortlessly log in and out as needed.

With Twitter – Dash SaaS Add-on
With Twitter – Dash SaaS Add-on

Secure and Reliable Access

Security is a top priority with the Sign In with Twitter Addon. By utilizing Twitter’s robust authentication system, Dash SaaS ensures that user data remains protected. Twitter’s OAuth protocol provides a secure way to authenticate users without exposing their passwords, adding an extra layer of security to the sign-in process. Users can be confident that their information is safe and their accounts are secure.

From our system

Screenshots from our system

To explore the functionality and usage of these add-ons, refer to the accompanying screenshots for step-by-step instructions on how to maximize their features.


Discover More Add-Ons

Unlock even more functionality with additional add-ons, providing enhanced networking and customization options for your Dash SaaS experience.

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WhatsApp Messenger

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WordPress (WooCommerce)

Integrate and manage your store`s products and inventory with WooCommerce using WooCommerce. Simplify product and coupon management while enhancing customer interactions for an optimized WooCommerce experience.

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Side Menu Builder – Dash SaaS Add-on

Side Menu Builder

Side menu builder are often used to provide a tailored and user-friendly experience by allowing users to access specific content or perform actions with a single click. Design a user-friendly form where users can input their Side Menu Builder details, such as the destination URL, link alias, and any additional parameters.

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To Do – Dash SaaS Add-on

To Do

Simplify task management with Dash SaaS's ToDo module. Create, assign, and track tasks seamlessly, customizing stages to monitor progress effectively.

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  • Answer pre sale questions or query
  • Answering technical questions about item's features
  • Assistance with reported bugs and issues
  • Help with included 3rd party assets
  • Free Installation services in some cases

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  • Customization services