
School / Institute Management – Dash SaaS Add-on

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$ 69

Admission Page

Effortless Student Record Management

The Admission Page serves as the gateway to student record management. Administrators can easily navigate through a list of admissions, each accompanied by a convenient button for converting admissions into student profiles. This streamlined feature ensures a smooth transition from admission to student record management, optimizing the overall administrative workflow.
School / Institute Management – Dash SaaS Add-on
School / Institute Management – Dash SaaS Add-on

User Logins

Personalized Access for Every Role

Dash SaaS recognizes the diverse roles within an educational setting, introducing three distinct logins - Student Login, Teacher Login, and Parent Login. Each login type is tailored to provide a personalized experience, granting relevant access and information to students, teachers, and parents. This ensures that users can seamlessly engage with the platform based on their specific roles and responsibilities.

Class Management

Comprehensive Academic Oversight

The Class Management section empowers administrators with a comprehensive view of academic structures. From the number of classes to subjects, class timetables, and teacher timetables, this section serves as a centralized hub for overseeing various academic aspects. The flexibility to edit or delete entries provides administrators with precise control over the academic framework, allowing for real-time adjustments to meet evolving needs.
School / Institute Management – Dash SaaS Add-on
School / Institute Management – Dash SaaS Add-on

Enhanced Administrative Efficiency

Dash SaaS introduces a robust School Management Module meticulously designed to streamline administrative processes within educational institutions. This comprehensive module serves as a centralized hub for managing various facets of school administration, offering administrators an intuitive platform to oversee enrollment, scheduling, resource allocation, and more. With user-friendly interfaces and customizable features, administrators can efficiently navigate through tasks, optimize resource utilization, and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall operational efficiency.

Seamless Collaboration Across Stakeholders

The School Management Module facilitates seamless collaboration among administrators, teachers, students, and parents, fostering a cohesive and supportive educational environment. Through integrated communication channels, such as messaging systems and announcement boards, stakeholders can stay informed about important updates, events, and announcements in real-time. Additionally, features like student portals and parent logins provide personalized access to academic information, enabling students and parents to track progress, access learning resources, and engage with the educational community. With Dash SaaS, educational institutions can create a unified platform for communication, collaboration, and academic success.

School / Institute Management – Dash SaaS Add-on
From our system

Screenshots from our system

To explore the functionality and usage of these add-ons, refer to the accompanying screenshots for step-by-step instructions on how to maximize their features.


Discover More Add-Ons

Unlock even more functionality with additional add-ons, providing enhanced networking and customization options for your Dash SaaS experience.

EMail Box – Dash SaaS Add-on

EMail Box

EMail Box module is a powerful tool designed to streamline your email management process. It seamlessly integrates with your SMTP server, giving you unprecedented control over your email account's various folders, including Inbox, Drafts, Spam, Sent, Trash, and Archive. But that's not all; it also empowers you to interact with your emails in ways that were previously unimaginable.

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Portfolio – Dash SaaS Add-on


The portfolio module is a feature-rich Laravel package designed to help you create and manage your online portfolio. It allows you to showcase your projects, display your work in a visually appealing way, and easily update your portfolio content.

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Double Entry – Dash SaaS Add-on

Double Entry

Double Entry accounting is a fundamental accounting method that records financial transactions by entering them into two separate accounts: a debit and a credit. Each transaction affects both sides of the accounting equation, ensuring that assets equal liabilities plus equity. This system helps maintain the accuracy and integrity of financial records, enabling businesses to track their financial health and comply with accounting standards.

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Time Tracker – Dash SaaS Add-on

Time Tracker

The Time Tracker Module in Dash SaaS redefines the way businesses manage their workforce, offering a suite of tools designed to enhance productivity, transparency, and accountability.

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