
Agriculture Management – Dash SaaS Add-on

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$ 69

Agriculture Equipment Tracking

Track and manage your valuable agricultural equipment efficiently with Dash SaaS. This module allows you to monitor equipment usage, schedule routine maintenance, and ensure that your machinery is always in top condition for optimal performance. By having a real-time overview of your equipment, you can minimize downtime and maximize the lifespan of your agricultural assets.

Agriculture Management – Dash SaaS Add-on
Agriculture Management – Dash SaaS Add-on

Agriculture Service Products and Crop Management

Track and manage your valuable agricultural equipment efficiently with Dash SaaS. This module allows you to monitor equipment usage, schedule routine maintenance, and ensure that your machinery is always in top condition for optimal performance. By having a real-time overview of your equipment, you can minimize downtime and maximize the lifespan of your agricultural assets.

Agriculture User Roles and Cultivation Activities

Define user roles and permissions within Dash SaaS to ensure effective collaboration and contribution from each team member. This module allows you to track cultivation activities and allocate appropriate access levels to users, ensuring that your workforce can contribute efficiently to the various facets of agricultural processes. By managing user roles, Dash SaaS promotes accountability and coordination within your agricultural team.

Agriculture Management – Dash SaaS Add-on
From our system

Screenshots from our system

To explore the functionality and usage of these add-ons, refer to the accompanying screenshots for step-by-step instructions on how to maximize their features.


Discover More Add-Ons

Unlock even more functionality with additional add-ons, providing enhanced networking and customization options for your Dash SaaS experience.

PhonePe – Dash SaaS Add-on


We've seamlessly integrated PhonePe's secure payment gateway, allowing you to make quick and hassle-free online transactions.

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Workflow Automation – Dash SaaS Add-on

Workflow Automation

In today's dynamic business landscape, the ability to optimize task efficiency is paramount for success. Our Custom Workflow Automation feature offers a seamless solution to alleviate the burden of manual labor and enhance productivity. By tailoring actions to specific event triggers, such as automatic email notifications for bill settlements or project milestones, businesses can streamline operations and eliminate the need for tedious manual interventions. This automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, ensuring that tasks are completed accurately and on time.

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Calendar – Dash SaaS Add-on


Calendar is a unique approach to the classic event calendar concept, with a modern design and features that make it easy to create detailed and informative events. It is packed with features and options to make it quick and easy.

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Dropbox – Dash SaaS Add-on


Discover the freedom of accessing your Dropbox files directly from Workdo-dash. No more switching between applications or dealing with cumbersome downloads. With this integration, your Dropbox documents, files, and folders are at your fingertips, effortlessly accessible within the Workdo-dash interface. Edit and view a wide range of file types – from Word documents to Excel spreadsheets, text files, and images – using the Viewer/Editor, all without the need to save files locally.

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  • Free Installation services in some cases

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  • Customization services