Bulk Appointments Integration in BookingGo SaaS - WorkDo.io

Bulk Appointments Integration in BookingGo SaaS


Welcome to the comprehensive documentation for Bulk Appointments in BookingGo SaaS. This documentation provides detailed guidance on efficiently managing and scheduling multiple appointments within the BookingGo platform. Bulk Appointments functionality allows businesses to streamline their booking processes by enabling the simultaneous scheduling of multiple client sessions, enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. In this guide, you will learn how to leverage Bulk Appointments to save time, optimize resources, and effectively manage large volumes of bookings. From setting up bulk booking parameters to customizing scheduling options and managing appointments seamlessly, this documentation equips users with the tools and knowledge needed to maximize the benefits of Bulk Appointments within BookingGo SaaS. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, integrating Bulk Appointments into your workflow ensures smoother operations and improved service delivery in a digital-first environment.



So, the following is the installation process of the Bulk Appointments BookingGo SaaS with the help of which you can easily access this add-on.

Step 1: Super Admin Access:

The super admin must first add the Bulk Appointments BookingGo SaaS by following a few steps.

  • Log in to the Super Admin side of BookingGo using your credentials.
  • Once logged in, navigate to the Add-On Manager module by clicking on it from the admin dashboard or sidebar menu.
  • In the Add-On add-ons module, click on the “+” button to initiate the process of adding a new add-on.
  • After clicking the “+”, you’ll be prompted to upload the ZIP file of the particular add-on you wish to install. Drop down the ZIP file as instructed.
  • Once the ZIP file is uploaded, the add-on will appear on the Add-On Manager Page.
  • Simply enable the module by toggling the appropriate switch or button, making it visible to end users.

Step 2: Company Login Steps:

Once the Super admin enables the add-on, the team members will be able to use that add-on easily.

Step 3: How to use the Bulk Appointments BookingGo SaaS

Visit the photography website and locate the “Online Booking Now” section. Select the quantity of services or sessions you require and enter your information. Proceed by clicking on the “Next Step” button to complete the booking process. Follow the prompts to finalize your booking and confirm your appointment details.

Return to the BookingGo website and navigate to the Appointments section to locate and manage your scheduled appointment.

Next, return to the main page and click on the “System Settings” button within the settings menu. Locate the Bulk Appointment section and adjust the quantity as needed, then save your changes.

So, this is how you can have access to the Bulk Appointments BookingGo SaaS

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