User Manual - CRMGOSaaS -

User Manual – CRMGOSaaS

1. Introduction

The user manual for CRMGo SaaS offers comprehensive guidance on effectively managing customer relationships and optimizing business processes. This manual provides detailed instructions covering the setup, configuration, and utilization of CRMGo SaaS functionalities. Whether you’re enhancing sales pipelines, improving customer service, or analyzing data for strategic insights, this guide equips you with the tools and knowledge to leverage CRMGo SaaS efficiently. From basic navigation to advanced features and troubleshooting, you’ll find everything you need to make the most of CRMGo SaaS and enhance your organizational efficiency seamlessly.

2. Registration Process

The registration process in CRMGo SaaS enables admins to create accounts and access the platform seamlessly. This documentation outlines the step-by-step procedure for administrators to register and gain entry into the system.

2.1 Introduction to the Registration Process

The registration process is designed to allow administrators to create their accounts within the CRMGo SaaS platform, granting them access to its functionalities and features.

2.2 Accessing the Login Page

Admins navigate to the designated login page of the CRMGo SaaS platform.

2.3 Initiating Registration

Upon reaching the login page, admins can“Register” alongside the login form.

2.4 Providing Credentials

To begin the registration, admins are prompted to input the necessary credentials, including email addresses, passwords, and any other required information.

2.5 Successful Registration

Once the verification process is completed, the registration is successfully processed. Admins now have their account credentials to log in to the platform.

2.6 Exploring Platform Features

With the registered account, admins can explore and access the diverse features and functionalities CRMGo SaaS offers.

2.7 Seamless Access

Subsequent logins can be initiated using the registered email and password on the login page.

Admins can seamlessly register themselves on the CRMGo SaaS platform by following these steps.

3. Super Admin Login Process

The Super Admin login process in CRMGo SaaS provides access to the platform’s high-level administrative controls. Follow these steps to log in:

3.1 Access the Login Page

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the CRMGo SaaS login page.

3.2 Enter Credentials

  • Provide the Super Admin’s registered email address and password.

3.3 Login

  • Click the “Login” button to authenticate.

3.4 Dashboard Access

  • After successful authentication, access the Super Admin dashboard

3.5 Manage Admin Functions

  • Use the dashboard to manage users, modules, settings, and more.

Following these steps, you can log in as the Super Admin and manage the essential aspects of the CRMGo SaaS platform.

4. Super Admin Access and Capabilities

The CRMGo SaaS dashboard provides a comprehensive suite of tools for managing the entire platform. Here’s a breakdown of the key functionalities:

4.1 Overview Dashboard

  • Metrics : Gain insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) like the number of paid users, total order amount, most popular plans, and recent order trends visualized through charts.

4.2 Company Management

  • Company List : View a comprehensive list of all companies subscribed to your CRMGo service.
  • Company Actions : Perform a variety of actions on each company, including:
  • Add New Company : Create new company accounts.
  • Edit Details : Modify company information like name, contact details, etc.
  • Upgrade Plan : Change a company’s subscription plan to a higher tier.
  • Impersonate Login : Access the CRMGo platform as a specific company for troubleshooting or demonstration purposes.
  • Reset Password : Reset a company’s login credentials if forgotten.
  • Delete Company : Terminate a company’s account and remove their data (ensure data backup procedures are in place).
  • Disable Login : Temporarily restrict a company’s access to the CRMGo platform.
  • Company Details : View additional information for each company, such as:
  • Number of Employees : Track the number of users within each company.
  • Number of Clients : Monitor the number of client accounts managed by each company.
  • Plan Category : Identify the specific subscription plan each company is using.
  • Plan Expiration Date : Keep track of when each company’s subscription expires for timely renewals.

4.3 Plan Management

  • Create Plans : Design customized subscription plans with features and pricing tailored to your needs.
  • Manage Plans : Modify existing plans or create new ones to cater to different customer segments.

4.4 Plan Requests

  • Review Requests : Evaluate and approve or decline upgrade/downgrade requests submitted by companies.

4.5 Referral Program Management

  • Track Transactions : Monitor a list of all referral transactions generated through your affiliate program.
  • Payout Requests : Review and approve or reject payout requests submitted by your affiliates.
  • Settings : Configure your referral program by defining:
  • Commission Rate : Set the percentage of revenue shared with affiliates for successful referrals.
  • Minimum Threshold : Establish the minimum amount an affiliate must earn before receiving a payout.
  • Referral Program Guidelines : Outline the terms and conditions governing your affiliate program.

4.6 Coupon Management

  • Create Coupons : Generate discount coupons to incentivize new subscriptions or encourage existing customers to upgrade plans.
  • Manage Coupons : Edit, view, or delete existing coupons as needed.

4.7 Order Management

  • Order List : View a comprehensive list of all plan orders placed by companies.
  • Process Refunds : Handle customer refund requests directly through the platform.

4.8 Email Templates

  • Create Templates : Design pre-formatted email templates for various CRMGo functionalities, such as welcome emails, renewal reminders, or password reset instructions.
  • Manage Templates : Edit existing email templates to ensure clear and consistent communication with your customers.

4.9 Landing Page Management

  • Edit Landing Pages : Modify the content and appearance of your CRMGo landing pages to optimize user acquisition.
  • Enable/Disable Pages : Control the visibility of different landing pages based on your marketing campaigns.

4.10 Settings Page

  • Access and configure brand settings.
  • Manage email settings.
  • Set up payment settings.
  • Configure pusher settings.
  • Define reCaptcha settings.
  • Adjust storage settings.
  • Tweak SEO settings.
  • Manage cookie settings.
  • Configure cache settings.
  • Adjust chat GPT settings.

This comprehensive set of functionalities empowers Super Admins to manage all aspects of the CRMGo SaaS platform, ensuring smooth operation and efficient customer service

5. Admin Login Process

The admin login process in CRMGo SaaS allows authorized personnel to access and manage specific functionalities within the platform. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how to log in as an admin:

5.1 Access the Login Page

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the CRMGo SaaS login page

5.2 Enter Credentials

  • Provide your registered email address and password associated with your admin account.

5.3 Login

  • Click the “Login” button to initiate the authentication process.

5.4 Dashboard Access

  • Once your credentials are verified, you’ll be directed to the admin dashboard.

5.5 Creating New Stores

  • Admins can establish new stores by clicking the “Create New Store” button on the dashboard’s right side.

5.6 Selecting New Themes

  • The “Select New Themes” button enables admins to choose and implement new themes to enhance the store’s visual appearance.

5.7 Language Preferences

  • The “EN” button facilitates the selection of preferred languages and enables admins to enable or disable them as needed.

5.8 Admin Functions

Use the dashboard to access and manage functionalities assigned to your admin role. This may include product management, order processing, customer interactions, etc.

By following these steps, you can log in as an admin and efficiently manage specific tasks and responsibilities within the CRMGo SaaS platform.

6. Dashboard

6.1 CRMGo SaaS Dashboard

The CRMGo SaaS dashboard goes beyond just providing numbers; it offers actionable insights to empower your decision-making. Let’s delve deeper into each section:

6.2 At-a-Glance Business Health

  • Client & User Count : This section displays the total number of clients you currently serve and the total number of employees within your organization. This provides a quick snapshot of your overall business size and client base.
  • Project & Sales Pipeline : Stay informed about ongoing projects with the total projects count. Monitor your sales pipeline with a view of total estimations created (representing potential projects) and invoices generated (representing closed deals). Additionally, the leads count gives you an idea of potential future sales opportunities by showing the number of unqualified prospects currently in your system.

6.3 Detailed Activity Overviews

  • Estimation & Invoice Insights : These dedicated sections offer a more granular view of your sales pipeline. The estimation overview might show details like average estimation value, win/loss ratio for estimations, or estimations by project type. The invoice overview could display average invoice value, overdue invoices, or invoices by client.
  • Project Management at Your Fingertips : The project overview provides a snapshot of your current workload. It might display the number of projects in different stages (e.g., new, ongoing, on hold, completed), resource allocation across projects, or upcoming project deadlines.

6.4 Actionable Reminders and Upcoming Events

  • Top Due Focus : Prioritize your workload with actionable lists. See the top due payments (invoices needing immediate collection), top due projects (projects at risk of missing deadlines), and top due tasks (critical tasks assigned to your team).
  • Stay on Schedule : Never miss an important meeting with a list of meeting schedules for the day, week, or upcoming month. Additionally, get a quick view of events scheduled for this week, such as client calls, product demos, or internal team meetings.
  • Proactive Support : The new support list allows you to be prepared to address customer needs by highlighting any recently submitted support tickets requiring a response from your team.

6.5 Contract & Client Management

  • Expiring Contracts : Identify contracts nearing their expiration date (usually 30, 60, or 90 days) to ensure timely renewal discussions with your clients. This helps prevent service disruptions and secures ongoing revenue streams.
  • Welcome New Clients : Get notified of new client signups to ensure a smooth onboarding process. This allows you to promptly assign a dedicated account manager, send welcome emails, and schedule introductory calls to build strong relationships with your new clients.

6.6 Resource Management

  • Storage Status : Monitor your storage usage within CRMGo SaaS. This helps ensure you have adequate space to store important documents, project files, and client data. Most CRM systems offer upgrade options to increase storage capacity if needed.
  • Track Your Progress : Some versions of CRMGo SaaS may include a goal-setting section where you can define and track progress towards your key business objectives.

Here you can set goals for new client acquisition, project completion rates, revenue targets, or customer satisfaction metrics. Regularly monitoring progress allows you to adjust strategies and ensure you’re on track to achieve your business goals.

By effectively utilizing the CRMGo SaaS dashboard, you can gain valuable insights into your business performance, prioritize tasks, identify potential roadblocks, and ultimately make data-driven decisions for continuous growth and success.

7. Staff Module

The CRMGo SaaS staff module provides a centralized hub for managing your employees and client information. It streamlines staff management and ensures a clear view of your team’s structure and client base. Here’s a breakdown of the two key pages within this module:

7.1 Employee Management

This page empowers you to manage your internal team comprehensively:

  • Employee Directory : View a list of all your employees within CRMGo SaaS. This provides a quick reference for contact information and assigned roles.
  • Employee Details & Editing : Access and edit individual employee profiles. Update contact information, modify roles and permissions, or assign team leads
  • Employee Activity Logs : Monitor user activity within CRMGo SaaS with employee logs history. This can help identify access patterns and potential security concerns.
  • Bulk Actions : Save time with bulk actions. Import new employees from a CSV file for efficient onboarding, or delete multiple employees from the system when necessary.

7.2 User Management

  • New Employee Creation : Add new team members to the system quickly and easily.
  • Password Resets and Login Management : Reset employee passwords if needed, or disable logins for inactive or departing staff members to maintain data security.

7.3 Client Management

The staff module also offers dedicated functionalities for managing your client base:

  • Client Directory : Maintain a central repository of all your client information. This includes contact details, communication history, and project associations.
  • Client Details & Editing : You can access and edit individual client profiles like Employe Management. Update contact details, assign dedicated account managers, or categorize clients based on industry or project type.

7.4 Client Management

  • New Client Contact Creation : Add new client contacts to the system, ensuring you have complete information for all relevant personnel at each client organization.
  • User Access Control : Manage client user access within CRMGo SaaS. Grant or restrict access to specific features and functionalities based on individual roles within the client organization.

With the Staff Module of AdvocateGo SaaS, you can effectively manage your legal team, assign roles, track employee activities, and promote collaboration through organized group management. Experience enhanced productivity and seamless team coordination with AdvocateGo SaaS Staff Module.

8. HRM Module

The HR Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to streamline and manage all your human resource activities efficiently. This comprehensive module includes various pages to handle attendance, holidays, leaves, meetings, assets, company policies, and HR administration tasks. Here is a detailed breakdown of each page within the HR Module:

8.1 Attendance

  • 8.1.1 Attendance Page

    • Employee List : View detailed attendance records of all employees.
    • Details Included : Employee name, date, status, clock-in, clock-out, late arrivals, early departures, overtime, and action options.
    • Actions : Edit or delete attendance records.
  • 8.1.2 Bulk Attendance Page

    • Departmental View: Monitor the attendance records for each department
    • Bulk Management: Easily manage attendance data for multiple employees simultaneously.

8.2 Holidays

  • Holiday Calendar : Create holidays and mark them on the calendar.
  • Export Options : Export the list of holidays for record-keeping or sharing.

8.3 Leaves

  • Leave Requests : View the list of leave requests submitted by employees.
  • Approval Management : Accept or reject leave requests.
  • Calendar View : See a calendar view of all employee leaves for better planning and management.

8.4 Meetings

  • Meeting List : Access the list of scheduled meetings.
  • Calendar View : View meetings on a calendar for easy scheduling and management.
  • Actions : Edit or delete meeting details as needed.

8.5 Assets

  • Asset Management : View and manage the list of company assets.
  • Create Assets : Add new assets to the inventory.
  • Export Options : Export the asset list for documentation purposes.
  • Actions : Edit or delete asset details.

8.6 Company Policy

  • Policy List : Access and manage the list of company policies.
  • Download & Preview : Download or preview policies for review.
  • Actions : Edit, delete, or create new company policies.

8.7 HR Admin

  • Awards: Manage awards and recognitions for employees.
  • Transfers: Handle employee transfers within the organization.
  • Resignations: Process and manage employee resignations.
  • Trip Management: Oversee business trips and related logistics.
  • Promotions: Manage employee promotions.
  • Complaints: Track and handle employee complaints.
  • Warnings: Issue and manage warnings to employees.
  • Terminations: Process employee terminations.

8.8 Performance

  • 8.8.1 Indicator Page

    • Performance Indicators : Define and manage performance indicators for employees.
  • 8.8.2 Appraisal Page

    • Appraisal Management : Conduct and manage employee appraisals
  • 8.8.3 Goal Tracking Page

    • Goal Management : Set, track, and manage employee goals.

8.9 Training

  • 8.9.1 Training List Page

    • Training Programs : View and manage the list of training programs.
  • 8.9.2 Trainer Page

    • Trainer Management : Manage trainers and their assignments.

The HR Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a robust solution for managing all aspects of human resources, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in HR operations

9. PreSale Module

The PreSale Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to effectively manage and streamline your pre-sales activities. This module includes four key pages: Leads, Deals, Estimations, and Form Builder. Each page is equipped with various features to optimize your pre-sales processes. Here is a detailed breakdown of each page within the PreSale Module:

9.1 Leads

  • Create New Leads : Add new leads easily.
  • View Options : Switch between grid view and list view for a clear overview of all leads.
  • Lead Details : Click on the view button to access comprehensive details about each lead, including:
  • General Details : Basic information about the lead
  • Sources : The origin of the lead.
  • Attached Files: Documents and files associated with the lead.
  • Discussion : Communication and discussion history related to the lead.
  • Notes : Notes added to the lead for reference.
  • Calls : Call logs associated with the lead.
  • Emails : Emails exchanged with the lead.
  • Actions : Convert leads into deals, label, edit, and delete lead details as needed.

9.2 Deals

  • Deal Management : View a comprehensive list of all deals
  • Create New Deals : Easily add new deals.
  • View, Edit, and Delete : Manage deals by viewing, editing, and deleting them as required.
  • Deal Details : Click on the view button to access detailed information about each deal, including:
  • General Details : Basic information about the deal.
  • Tasks : Tasks associated with the deal.
  • Sources : The origin of the deal.
  • Files : Documents and files associated with the deal
  • Discussions : Communication and discussion history related to the deal.
  • Notes : Notes added to the deal for reference.
  • Calls : Call logs associated with the deal.
  • Emails : Emails were exchanged regarding the deal.
  • Clients : Client details related to the deal

9.3 Estimations

  • Create New Estimations : Easily create new estimations for potential deals.
  • Estimation Details : Click on the view button to access detailed information about each estimation, including:
  • Invoice Details : Information about the invoices associated with the estimation.
  • Bill Details : Billing details related to the estimation.

9.4 Form Builder

  • Create New Forms : Easily create new forms for capturing lead information
  • Form List : View a list of all created forms.
  • Form Actions : Various actions can be performed on forms, including:
  • Copy iFrame Link : Copy the iFrame link for embedding the form.
  • Convert to Lead : Setting to convert form responses into leads.
  • Form Fields : Manage form fields.
  • Copy Link : Quickly copy the form link for sharing.
  • View Responses : View responses submitted through the form.
  • Edit and Delete : Edit or delete forms as needed.

The PreSale Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a comprehensive solution for managing leads, deals, estimations, and forms, ensuring a seamless pre-sales process that enhances efficiency and productivity.

10. Project

The Projects Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to streamline project management, providing comprehensive tools to manage all aspects of your projects efficiently. This module consists of three key pages: All Projects, Tasks, and Timesheets. Here’s a detailed overview of each page within the Projects Module

10.1 All Projects

  • Project List : Access a complete list of all your projects.
  • View Options : Utilize the list view to get a clear overview of each project.
  • Create New Projects : Easily create new projects to kickstart your initiatives.

Project Management Actions

  • Duplicate Projects : Duplicate existing projects for similar new projects.
  • Edit Projects : Make changes to project details as needed.
  • View Projects : Access detailed project information.
  • Delete Projects : Remove projects that are no longer needed.
  • Project Details : Click on the view button to access comprehensive information about each project, including:
  • Project Status : Monitor the current status of the project.
  • Project Overview : Get a summary of the project’s scope and progress.
  • Task List : View and manage all tasks associated with the project.
  • Task Kanban : Use the Kanban view for visual task management.
  • Gantt Chart : Utilize the Gantt chart for timeline and scheduling insights.
  • Milestones : Track key project milestones.
  • Notes : Add and review notes related to the project.
  • Files : Manage documents and files associated with the project.
  • Comments : Engage in discussions and comments regarding the project.
  • Client Feedback : Gather and review feedback from clients.
  • Invoice : Access and manage project invoices.
  • Timesheets : Track and manage time spent on the project.
  • Payment : Handle payment details related to the project.
  • Expense : Track expenses incurred during the project.

10.2 Tasks

  • Task List : View a comprehensive list of all tasks.
  • Gantt Chart : Utilize the Gantt chart to visualize task timelines and dependencies.
  • View Options : Use the list view for a detailed view of each task.
  • Create New Tasks : Add new tasks easily with the help of the “+” button.

10.3 Timesheets

  • Create Timesheets : Easily create new timesheets to track work hours.
  • Timesheet List : Access and manage a list of all timesheets.

The Projects Module in CRMGo SaaS provides all the necessary tools to manage projects, tasks, and timesheets effectively, ensuring streamlined workflows and enhanced productivity for your project management needs.

11. Project Report

The Project Report Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of all your projects, offering valuable insights to track progress and performance effectively. Here’s a detailed overview of what you can access within the Project Report Module:

11.1 Project Reports

  • Comprehensive Reports : Access detailed reports for all your projects in one place.
  • View Options : Click on the view button to dive into specific project reports. Detailed Insights
  • Overview Report : Get a summary of the overall progress and status of the project.
  • Milestone Progress : Track the progress of project milestones and see which have been achieved.
  • Task Priority : Analyze tasks based on their priority levels to manage workloads effectively.
  • Task Status : View the current status of all tasks within the project, such as pending, in progress, or completed.
  • Hours Estimation : Compare estimated hours against actual hours spent to manage time and resources efficiently.
  • User Activity : Monitor the contributions and activity of each user involved in the project.
  • Milestones Achieved : See the number of milestones that have been completed.
  • Task List : Access a detailed list of all tasks associated with the project, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

The Project Report Module in CRMGo SaaS provides all the necessary tools to gain in-depth insights into your projects, helping you make informed decisions, track progress, and ensure successful project completion.

12. Items

The Items Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to streamline the management of your inventory, providing all the necessary tools to handle items efficiently. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Items Module:

12.1 Items List

  • Comprehensive Overview : Access a detailed list of all items in your inventory.
  • Item Details : View essential details for each item, including:
  • Item Name : The name of the item.
  • Category : The category to which the item belongs.
  • Quantity : The available quantity of the item.
  • Sale Price : The selling price of the item.
  • Purchase Price : The cost price of the item.
  • Tax : Applicable tax on the item.
  • Unit : The unit of measurement for the item.
  • Description : Additional information about the item.
  • Action Column : Perform actions such as editing or deleting items directly from the list. Item Management
  • Create New Items : Easily add new items to your inventory.
  • Import Items : Import a list of items from external sources to update your inventory quickly
  • Export Items : Export the list of items for reporting, sharing, or backup purposes.

The Items Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a comprehensive solution for managing your inventory, ensuring you have complete control over your items with all necessary details and functionalities at your fingertips.

13. Item Stock

The Item Stock Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to give you precise control over your inventory stock levels, ensuring your business runs smoothly and efficiently. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Item Stock Module:

13.1 Item Stock List

  • Stock Overview : Access a detailed list of item stock, providing an at-a-glance view of your current inventory levels.
  • Item Details : View essential details for each stock item, including:
  • Item Name : The name of the item.
  • Current Quantity : The available quantity of the item in stock.
  • Category : The category to which the item belongs.
  • Description : Additional information about the item.

13.2 Stock Management

  • Update Quantity : Easily update the quantity of item stock to reflect real-time changes in your inventory.
  • Manage Inventory : Ensure accurate stock levels by frequently updating item quantities as items are sold, returned, or restocked.

The Item Stock Module in CRMGo SaaS provides an efficient way to monitor and manage your inventory stock levels, helping you maintain optimal stock levels and streamline your inventory management processes.

14. Sales

The Sales Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a comprehensive solution to manage your sales processes efficiently. This module consists of four key pages: Invoices, Payments, Credit Notes, and Expenses. Here’s a detailed overview of each page within the Sales Module:

14.1 Invoices

  • Invoice List : View a complete list of all invoices along with essential details:
  • Issue Date : The date when the invoice was issued.
  • Due Date : The date by which the payment is due.
  • Total Amount : The total amount billed in the invoice.
  • Due Amount : The remaining amount to be paid.
  • Status : Indicates whether the invoice is paid or not.
  • Action Column : Options to edit, delete, and view the invoice.
  • Invoice Details : Click on the invoice button to access detailed information, including:
  • Invoice Details : Comprehensive details of the invoice.
  • Receipt Summary : Summary of receipts related to the invoice.
  • Credit Notes List : List of credit notes associated with the invoice.
  • Invoice Actions : Additional actions to manage invoices:
  • Add Credit Note : Attach a credit note to the invoice.
  • Copy Invoice : Duplicate the invoice for similar transactions.
  • Add Item : Add items to the invoice.
  • Send Invoice : Send the invoice to the client.
  • Add Receipt : Record a payment receipt.
  • Payment Reminder : Send a payment reminder to the client.
  • Print Invoice : Print the invoice for documentation.
  • Export Invoice : Export the invoice for reporting or sharing.
  • Create a New Invoice : Use the “+” button to create a new invoice.

14.2 Payments

  • Payments List : View a list of all payments along with key details:
  • Date : The date of the payment.
  • Payment: The amount paid
  • Client : The client who made the payment.
  • Reference: Reference number for the payment.
  • Description : A brief description of the payment.
  • Attachment : Options to download and preview attachments related to the payment.
  • Payment Actions : Manage payments by creating new payments, editing, and deleting payment details.

14.3 Credit Notes

  • Credit Notes List : Manage credit notes effectively by:
  • Adding New Credit Notes : Easily create new credit notes.
  • Export Credit Notes : Export credit notes for reporting purposes.
  • Credit Note Integration : Once a credit note is added, it will be linked to the corresponding invoice.

14.4 Expenses

  • Expenses List : View and manage all expenses with essential details:
  • Attachments : View and manage attachments related to the expenses.
  • Dates : The date when the expense was incurred.
  • Amount : The amount of the expense.
  • User : The user who recorded the expense.
  • Project : The project associated with the expense.
  • Description : A brief description of the expense.
  • Actions : Options to edit and delete expenses as needed.

The Sales Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a robust framework to manage invoices, payments, credit notes, and expenses, ensuring your sales processes are efficient, accurate, and well-documented.

15. Budget Planner Module

The Budget Planner Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to help you efficiently manage and plan your financial resources. This module provides a comprehensive set of tools to create, view, edit, and delete budget plans, ensuring that you can effectively track and allocate your budget. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Budget Planner Module:

15.1 Budget Planners List

  • Comprehensive Overview: Access a detailed list of all budget planners, providing a clear view of your financial planning efforts
  • Budget Planner Details: Each entry includes essential details to help you manage your budgets effectively.

15.2 Budget Planner Management

  • Create New Budget Planner : Easily add new budget planners using the “+” button at the top.
  • Edit Budget Planner : Make changes to existing budget planners as needed to keep your financial plans up to date.
  • View Budget Planner : Access detailed information about each budget planner to monitor and review your financial planning.
  • Delete Budget Planner : Remove budget planners that are no longer needed to keep your records organized.

The Budget Planner Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a user-friendly and efficient way to manage your financial planning, providing all the tools you need to create, view, edit, and delete budget plans with ease.

16. Tracker Module

The Tracker Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to help you monitor and track your employees’ work activities effectively. This module provides a comprehensive set of tools to view, manage, and analyze work progress through detailed trackers and screenshots. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Tracker Module:

16.1 Trackers List

  • Comprehensive Overview : Access a detailed list of all trackers, providing an at-a-glance view of employee work activities.
  • Employee Tracking : Monitor the work progress of each employee through individual trackers.

16.2 Tracker Management

  • View Screenshots : Access screenshots of your employees’ work taken at specified time intervals. This feature helps you verify and understand their work activities in real time.
  • Time Interval Configuration : Set and manage the time intervals at which screenshots are captured, ensuring you get regular updates on work progress.

17. Zoom Meetings

The Zoom Meeting Module in CRMGo SaaS provides an integrated solution for scheduling, managing, and tracking your Zoom meetings. This module offers a seamless way to handle your virtual meetings, ensuring you stay organized and connected. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Zoom Meeting Module

17.1 Scheduled Meetings List

  • Meeting Overview : Access a detailed list of all your scheduled Zoom meetings.
  • Meeting Status : Easily see the status of each meeting, indicating whether a meeting has ended or is still ongoing.

17.2 Meeting Management

  • Add New Meetings : Schedule new Zoom meetings with ease. The “+” button allows you to quickly add meetings, ensuring your schedule is always up to date.
  • Calendar View : Utilize the calendar view to see all your scheduled meetings at a glance. Dates with scheduled meetings will be highlighted, providing a visual overview of your meeting schedule.
  • Meeting Details : Click on any meeting to view detailed information, including the date, time, and participants.

The Zoom Meeting Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a user-friendly and efficient way to manage your Zoom meetings, ensuring you can schedule, track, and review your virtual meetings with ease.

18. Contracts

The Contract Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to streamline contract management, providing a comprehensive overview and detailed management tools for all your contracts. This module ensures that you can efficiently track, manage, and review your contracts with ease. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Contract Module:

18.1 Contract Overview

  • Total Contracts : View the total number of contracts in your system.
  • This Month’s Contracts: See the total number of contracts created this month.
  • This Week’s Contracts : Track the number of contracts created this week.
  • Last 30 Days Contracts: Monitor the number of contracts created in the last 30 days.
  • Grid View : Switch to a grid view for a more visual representation of your contracts.
  • Create New Contracts : Easily create new contracts using the button provided at the top.

18.2 Existing Contracts List

  • Contract Details : Access a detailed list of existing contracts, including:
  • Contract ID : A unique identifier for each contract.
  • Subject : The subject or title of the contract.
  • Project : The project associated with the contract.
  • Client : The client involved in the contract.
  • Type : The type or category of the contract.
  • Value : The monetary value of the contract.
  • Status : The current status of the contract (accepted, declined, pending).
  • Start Date and End Date : The duration of the contract.
  • Action Column : Options to duplicate, view the budget planner, edit, and delete the contract. Note that you can only duplicate the contract if it is accepted.

18.3 Contract Details

  • General Details : Click on the contract ID to view important information divided into four sections:
  • 18.3.1 General Details:

    • Attachments : Number of files attached to the contract.
    • Comments : Number of comments added to the contract.
    • Notes : Number of notes related to the contract.
    • Contract Details : View all details of the contract.
    • Contract Description : Detailed description of the contract.
  • 18.3.2 Contract Attachments

    • View and manage files attached to the contract. You can also attach new files.

    • View comments added to the contract and add new comments. Utilize AI for a quick grammar check of comments.
  • 18.3.4 Notes

    • Add new notes related to the contract and delete existing notes as needed. AI-powered grammar check is also available for notes.

The Contract Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a robust framework for managing contracts, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible and manageable. This module helps streamline contract workflows, from creation to completion, providing the necessary tools to maintain organized and efficient contract management.

19. Double Entry

The Double Entry Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a comprehensive and robust system for managing your accounting processes. This module consists of five essential pages: Chart of Accounts, Journal Account, Ledger Summary, Balance Sheet, and Trial Balance. Here’s a detailed overview of each page within the Double Entry Module:

19.1 Chart of Accounts

  • Accounts List : View a detailed list of your chart of accounts, which includes:
  • Account Code : Unique identifier for each account.
  • Name : The name of the account.
  • Type : The type of account (e.g., asset, liability, equity, income, expense).
  • Balance : Current balance of the account.
  • Status : Indicates whether the account is enabled or not.
  • Account Management : Perform actions such as viewing, editing, and deleting accounts as needed.
  • Create a New Account : Easily add new accounts using the “+” button at the top.

19.2 Journal Account

  • Journal Management : Create, edit, and delete journal accounts to maintain accurate and organized financial records.
  • View Journal Details : Click on the journal ID to view detailed information about the journal entries, ensuring transparency and accuracy in your accounting records.

19.3 Ledger Summary

  • Ledger Overview : Access a summary of all your ledgers, providing a clear view of your financial transactions and balances across different accounts.
  • Number of Ledgers : Keep track of the total number of ledgers to maintain organized financial records.

19.4 Balance Sheet

  • Balance Sheet View : View your balance sheet, which provides a snapshot of your company’s financial position, including assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Download Balance Sheet : Easily download the balance sheet for reporting, sharing, or documentation purposes.

19.5 Trial Balance

  • Trial Balance View : Access your trial balance to verify the accuracy of your double-entry bookkeeping. This ensures that debits equal credits across all accounts, helping identify discrepancies.

The Double Entry Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a powerful and user-friendly system to manage all aspects of your accounting processes. With comprehensive features for creating, viewing, editing, and managing accounts, journals, ledgers, balance sheets, and trial balances, this module ensures that your financial records are accurate, organized, and easily accessible.

20. Messenger

The Messenger Page in CRMGo offers a simple and organized list of messages, providing users with a convenient platform to manage and engage in efficient communication within the system. Users can easily navigate through their message history, fostering a streamlined and user-friendly experience.

21. Support

The Support Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to help you efficiently manage client queries and issues by organizing and addressing support tickets. This module ensures prompt and effective communication with your clients, enhancing customer satisfaction. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Support Module:

21.1 Support Tickets

  • Client Queries and Issues : View support tickets added by your clients whenever they have a query or face a problem.
  • Ticket Details : Each support ticket includes essential details about the client’s issue or query.

21.2 Ticket Management

  • View Tickets : Access detailed information about each ticket to understand the client’s issue.
  • Reply to Tickets : Provide solutions or generous replies to client queries. Effective communication helps resolve issues promptly and maintains customer satisfaction.
  • Edit and Delete Tickets : Modify ticket details or remove tickets as needed to keep your support system organized.
  • Grid View : Switch to a grid view for a more visual representation of the support tickets, making it easier to manage and navigate them.
  • Create New Tickets : Use the button to add new support tickets, ensuring all client issues are logged and addressed.

21.3 Attachments

  • Client Attachments: Clients can add attachments such as photos or videos related to their issues. This feature helps in better understanding the problem and providing accurate solutions.

The Support Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a comprehensive and user-friendly platform to manage client support tickets, ensuring efficient resolution of issues and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

22. Events

The Events Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a streamlined way to manage and plan your events. This module offers a comprehensive calendar view to help you keep track of all your events, ensuring you stay organized and on schedule. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Events Module:

22.1 Calendar View

  • Event Overview : Access a calendar that displays all your planned events, allowing you to see at a glance what events are scheduled for each date.
  • Date-Specific Events : Click on any date to view the events planned for that particular day, helping you manage your schedule effectively.

22.2 Event Management

  • Create New Events : Easily add new events to your calendar using the “+” button at the top. This feature allows you to schedule and plan events on the desired dates.
  • Edit and Delete Events : Modify the details of existing events or remove events that are no longer needed, ensuring your calendar remains up-to-date and relevant.
  • Event Details : Add comprehensive details to each event, including descriptions, times, and any other relevant information to ensure all event participants are well-informed.

The Events Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a user-friendly and efficient way to manage your events, providing all the tools you need to create, view, and organize events on a calendar. This module ensures you stay on top of your schedule and helps you plan your activities effectively.

23. Notice Board

The Notice Board Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a centralized platform for managing and displaying important notices within your organization. This module ensures that everyone stays informed and up-to-date with the latest announcements. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Notice Board Module:

23.1 Add New Notices

  • Create Notices : Easily add new notices to the notice board using the intuitive interface. This feature allows you to communicate important information to all users effectively.
  • Detailed Notices : Include comprehensive details in your notices, such as the subject, description, and any relevant attachments. This ensures that all the necessary information is conveyed clearly to the intended audience.

23.2 Manage Notices

  • Edit Notices : Modify the details of existing notices to keep the information current and accurate. This feature ensures that any updates or corrections can be quickly and easily implemented.
  • Delete Notices : Remove outdated or irrelevant notices to maintain a clean and organized notice board. This helps in keeping the notice board clutter-free and focused on the most important announcements.

23.3 View Options

  • Grid View : Utilize the grid view for a more visual representation of the notice board. This view provides a snapshot of all notices, making it easy to browse and find specific information at a glance.
  • List View : Switch to the list view for a more detailed and structured representation of the notice board. This view allows you to see the notices sequentially, making it easier to read and manage multiple notices.

The Notice Board Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a robust and user-friendly solution for managing organizational notices. With features for adding, editing, deleting, and viewing notices in both grid and list formats, this module ensures that your team stays informed and that important information is communicated effectively.

24. Goals Module

The Goal Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to help you set, track, and manage organizational and personal goals with ease. This module provides comprehensive tools for goal management, ensuring that you can stay focused and achieve your objectives efficiently. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available within the Goal Module:

24.1 Comprehensive Goal List

  • View Goals : Access a detailed list of all your goals, including essential details such as goal descriptions, deadlines, and progress status. This feature provides a clear overview of your objectives, helping you stay organized and aligned with your targets.

24.2 Goal Management

  • Edit Goals : Modify existing goals to reflect any changes or updates. This feature allows you to adjust deadlines, update progress, or revise descriptions to keep your goals relevant and achievable.
  • Delete Goals : Remove goals that are no longer relevant or have been completed. This helps maintain a clean and focused list of active goals.

24.3 Goal Creation and Export

  • Create New Goals : Easily add new goals using the “+” button at the top of the module. This feature allows you to set new targets and objectives as needed, ensuring that you continuously pursue and achieve your aspirations.
  • Export Goals : Export your goal list to a CSV file for reporting, analysis, or sharing purposes. This feature provides a convenient way to manage and review your goals outside of the CRMGo SaaS platform.

The Goal Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a robust and user-friendly system for managing your goals. With features for viewing, editing, deleting, creating, and exporting goals, this module ensures that you have all the tools you need to stay focused and achieve success.

25. Notice

The Notice Module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to help you efficiently manage and communicate important information within your organization. This module provides a straightforward way to create, edit, and manage notices, ensuring effective communication and organization. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available in the Notice Module:

25.1 Create New Notices

  • Add Notices : Easily create new notices using the “+” button at the top of the module. This feature allows you to quickly add important announcements, updates, or information that needs to be communicated to your team

25.2 Manage Notices

  • Edit Notices : Modify existing notices to update information, correct errors, or make changes as necessary. This feature ensures that your notices remain accurate and relevant.
  • Delete Notices : Remove notices that are outdated or no longer needed. This helps in maintaining a clutter-free and organized notice board.

25.3 View Attachments

  • Preview Attachments : Access and preview any attachments associated with your notices. Whether it’s a document, image, or other file type, this feature allows you to review attached files directly within the module, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible.

The Notice Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a streamlined and efficient way to manage organizational communications. With features for creating, editing, deleting, and previewing attachments for notices, this module ensures that important information is effectively shared and managed within your organization.

26. Reports Module

The Reports Module in CRMGo SaaS provides a comprehensive suite of reporting tools to help you analyze and manage various aspects of your business operations. This module offers detailed insights into key metrics and performance indicators, allowing for informed decision-making and efficient management. Here’s a detailed overview of the features available in the Reports Module:

26.1 Attendance Reports

  • View Attendance Data : Access detailed reports on employee attendance, including clock-in and clock-out times, absences, and overall attendance trends.
  • Export Reports : Easily download and export attendance reports for further analysis or record-keeping purposes.

26.2 Income vs. Expense Reports

  • Financial Overview : Compare and analyze income against expenses to assess financial performance and profitability.
  • Download and Export : Quickly export these reports to CSV or other formats for financial reviews and presentations.

26.3 Time Log Reports

  • Track Time Entries : Review detailed reports on time logs, including hours worked by employees and project-specific time tracking.
  • Export Options : Download time log reports to keep accurate records and analyze time utilization.

26.4 Finance Reports

  • Financial Insights : Access comprehensive finance reports covering various financial metrics and trends.
  • Export Reports : Export finance reports for detailed financial analysis or auditing purposes.

26.5 Leave Reports

  • Leave Analysis : View reports on employee leave, including types of leave taken, leave balances, and trends.
  • Download and Export : Easily export leave reports to manage and analyze leave data effectively.

26.6 Estimate Reports

  • Review Estimates : Analyze reports related to estimates provided to clients, including details and statuses.
  • Export Functionality : Download and export estimate reports for further review or client records.

26.7 Invoice Reports

  • Invoice Overview : Access detailed reports on invoices issued, including statuses, amounts, and payment histories.
  • Export Options : Export invoice reports for financial management or client record purposes.

26.8 Client Reports

  • Client Insights : View reports on client interactions, status, and performance metrics.
  • Download and Export : Easily download and export client reports for analysis and client management.

26.9 Lead Reports

  • Lead Analysis : Access detailed reports on leads, including lead sources, statuses, and conversion rates.
  • Export Functionality : Export lead reports to CSV or other formats for sales analysis and strategy planning.

26.10 Deal Reports

  • Deal Metrics : Review reports on deals, including deal statuses, values, and stages in the sales pipeline.
  • Export Options : Download and export deal reports for sales tracking and performance evaluation.

26.11 Item Stock Reports

  • Stock Overview : Analyze reports on item stock levels, including current quantities and stock movements.
  • Export Reports : Easily export item stock reports for inventory management and planning.

The Reports Module in CRMGo SaaS offers a powerful and flexible reporting solution to help you track and analyze various aspects of your business. With features for viewing, downloading, and exporting a wide range of reports, this module ensures you have all the tools you need to make informed decisions and maintain effective oversight of your operations.

27. Plans Page

The Plan page within AdvocateGo simplifies the subscription process by presenting users with tailored plans to suit their specific needs and budgetary constraints. Users can easily compare features and pricing through a comprehensive feature comparison table, enabling informed decision-making. With transparent pricing and flexible billing options, users can confidently select the subscription plan that aligns with their requirements. The page also offers customization options, allowing users to adjust their strategy as needed, ensuring a seamless fit for evolving needs.

28. Orders Page

The Orders page in CRMGo SaaS provides a comprehensive view of all order details for various plans, allowing you to efficiently manage and track your sales. This page includes an organized list of orders with essential information such as order ID, customer name, plan type, purchase date, status, and total amount. Additionally, you can access detailed invoice information for each order, including itemized charges, payment method, due date, and payment status. This centralized overview ensures that you have all the necessary details at your fingertips, enabling better order management and financial tracking.

29. Constant Module

The Constant Module in CRMGo SaaS is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline and manage various aspects of your business operations. This module provides a centralized platform for handling essential tasks across multiple domains, ensuring that your organization runs efficiently and effectively. In this user manual, we will walk you through the nine main pages of the Constant Module, each tailored to specific business needs.

29.1 HR Management

The first page of the Constant Module is dedicated to HR management. This section allows you to add and manage various HR-related entities:

  • Departments : Organize your workforce by adding new departments.
  • Designations : Define job titles and roles within your organization.
  • Salary Type : Specify different salary structures.
  • Leave Type : Create categories for various types of leave.
  • Award Type : Recognize achievements with different award types.
  • Termination Type : Classify termination reasons.
  • Training Type : Plan and categorize training programs.
  • Performance Type : Track and manage performance metrics.
  • Competencies : Outline skills and competencies for different roles.

This comprehensive HR management system ensures that your team can handle all HR functions efficiently, from employee onboarding to performance tracking.

29.2 Presale Management

The presale page is designed to enhance your sales pipeline management. This section allows you to add and manage:

  • Pipelines : Create and manage different sales pipelines
  • Lead Stages : Define the stages a lead goes through in the sales process.
  • Deal Stages : Track the progress of deals through various stages.
  • Sources : Identify and categorize lead sources.
  • Tables : Organize and view data in customizable tables.

By structuring your presale activities, this page helps your sales team efficiently track and manage leads, ensuring that no opportunities are missed.

29.3 Project Task Management

The Project Task Stage page allows you to customize and manage the stages of tasks within your projects. This feature helps in:

  • Defining Task Stages : Customize stages to reflect your project workflows.
  • Tracking Progress : Monitor the status of tasks and ensure timely completion.

This functionality ensures clear task management, helping your team stay organized and accountable throughout the project lifecycle.

29.4 Financial and Operational Management

This section of the Constant Module provides tools to manage your financial and operational data, allowing you to add and define:

  • Tax Rates : Set and manage various tax rates applicable to your transactions.
  • Units : Define units of measurement for products or services.
  • Categories : Organize items into different categories for better management.
  • Payment Methods : Specify and manage various payment options.
  • Contract Types : Classify different types of contracts.

These tools ensure that your financial transactions are accurate and compliant, providing a clear overview of your financial status.

29.5 Goal Setting and Branch Management

The Goal Setting and Branch Management page allows you to manage multiple branches and set specific goals for different teams or departments. You can:

  • Add New Branches : Manage operations across multiple locations.
  • Define Goal Types : Set and categorize different goals to align with your business objectives.

This feature ensures that all branches and teams work cohesively towards common goals, fostering a unified and productive organization.

The Constant Module in CRMGo SaaS is an essential tool for managing various business functions. From HR and presale management to project and financial oversight, this module provides the flexibility and functionality needed to optimize your operations. By using this user manual, you can effectively leverage the Constant Module to enhance your organization’s efficiency and drive growth.

30. Notification Templates

The Notification Templates module in CRMGo SaaS is designed to help you create and manage notifications for a variety of business events, ensuring clear and consistent communication across your organization. This module allows you to set up templates for a range of events including:

  • New Holiday
  • New Meeting
  • New Event
  • New Lead
  • Lead to Deal Conversion
  • New Estimate
  • New Task Comment
  • New Milestone
  • Support Ticket
  • Company Policy
  • New Award
  • New Project
  • New Project Status
  • New Invoice
  • Invoice Status
  • New Deal
  • New Task
  • Task Moved
  • New Payment
  • New Contract
  • Leave Status
  • New Trip

You can customize these templates to include specific details relevant to each event, ensuring that recipients receive timely and actionable information. The module also offers the option to choose from various languages, making it easier to communicate with a multilingual workforce. Additionally, the module features AI-powered notification generation, which helps create accurate and context-specific messages efficiently. This functionality ensures that your communication is not only timely but also relevant, improving overall engagement and clarity.

31. Settings Page

The Settings page in CRMGo SaaS provides a centralized location for configuring and customizing various aspects of your system to suit your organizational needs. This page is divided into several sections, each allowing you to adjust specific settings and preferences to ensure optimal performance and user experience

31.1 Site Settings

The Site Settings section allows you to configure the visual and functional elements of your CRMGo SaaS platform. Here, you can:

  • Upload Logos : Set dark and light logos to match your brand identity.
  • Set Favicon : Upload a favicon for your site.
  • Configure Texts : Update title and footer texts to reflect your company’s branding.
  • Choose Default Language : Set the default language for the interface.
  • Enable/Disable RTL : Toggle Right-to-Left (RTL) language support.
  • Customize Theme : Use the theme customizer to select colors for your theme.
  • Adjust Sidebar and Layout : Configure sidebar settings and layout options to enhance user navigation and interface appearance.

31.2 Company Settings

In the Company Settings section, you can input and manage all relevant company information, including:

  • Company Details : Enter company name, address, city, state, zip/post code, and country.
  • Contact Information : Provide telephone number and VAT number.
  • Operational Details : Specify company registration process, timezone, and business hours (start and end times).

31.3 System Settings

The System Settings section allows you to configure various system-related preferences, including:

  • Currency Settings : Add and manage currency, currency symbol, and symbol position.
  • Date and Time Formats : Choose the preferred date and time formats for the system.
  • Prefix Settings : Define prefixes for clients, employees, estimates, and invoices.
  • Footer Customization : Customize footer titles and notes for estimates and invoices.

31.4 Email Settings

The Email Settings section provides options to configure your email system, including:

  • Mail Server Configuration : Input Mail Driver Key, Mail Host, Mail Port, Mail Username, Mail Password, and Mail Encryption.
  • Mail Address : Set Mail From Address and Mail From Name for outgoing emails.

31.5 Estimate and Invoice Settings

In the Estimate and Invoice Settings sections, you can customize:

  • Estimate Settings : Choose estimate color, upload an estimate logo, and enable/disable QR Code button.
  • Invoice Settings : Customize invoice appearance and settings.

31.6 Payment, Time Tracker, and Communication Settings

Additional settings include:

  • Payment Settings : Configure payment methods and related preferences.
  • Time Tracker Settings : Adjust settings related to time tracking.
  • Zoom, Slack, Telegram, and Twilio Settings : Integrate and configure settings for these communication tools.
  • Email Notification Settings : Manage notification preferences for email alerts.
  • Google Calendar Settings : Sync and configure Google Calendar integration.
  • Webhook Settings : Set up and manage webhooks for external integrations.

The Settings page in CRMGo SaaS provides extensive customization options to tailor the platform to your organization’s specific needs, enhancing overall functionality and user experience.

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