User Manual - AnalyticsGo SaaS -

User Manual – AnalyticsGo SaaS

1. Introduction

Introducing AnalyticsGo – your all-in-one solution for managing multiple Google Analytics accounts seamlessly. In today’s digital era, keeping track of various websites’ performance can be overwhelming, but AnalyticsGo simplifies the process by offering a centralized dashboard to oversee all your analytics needs. With analytics, you can effortlessly monitor traffic, track visitor behavior, and gain valuable insights across your entire online portfolio in real time. Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple accounts and hello to streamlined website management with AnalyticsGo. Whether you’re a seasoned webmaster or just starting, AnalyticsGo empowers you to optimize your online presence efficiently and effectively. Unlock the power of your data and take your websites to new heights with AnalyticsGo.

2. Registration Process

The registration process in AnalyticsGo SaaS enables admins to create accounts and access the platform seamlessly. This documentation outlines the step-by-step procedure for administrators to register and gain entry into the system.

2.1 Introduction to the Registration Process

The registration process is designed to allow administrators to create their accounts within the AnalyticsGo SaaS platform, granting them access to its functionalities and features.

2.2 Accessing the Login Page

Admins navigate to the designated login page of the AnalyticsGo SaaS platform.

2.3 Initiating Registration

Upon reaching the login page, admins find the option to “Register” alongside the login form.

2.4 Providing Credentials

To begin the registration, admins are prompted to input the necessary credentials, including email addresses, passwords, and any other required information.

2.5 Successful Registration

Once the verification process is completed, the registration is successfully processed. Admins now have their account credentials to log in to the platform.

2.6 Exploring Platform Features

With the registered account, admins can explore and access the diverse features and functionalities offered by AnalyticsGo SaaS.

2.7 Seamless Access

Subsequent logins can be initiated using the registered email and password on the login page.

Admins can seamlessly register themselves on the AnalyticsGo SaaS platform by following these steps.

3. Super Admin Login Process

The Super Admin login process in AnalyticsGo SaaS provides access to the platform’s high-level administrative controls. Follow these steps to log in:

3.1 Access the Login Page

Open your web browser and navigate to the AnalyticsGo SaaS login page.

3.2 Enter Credentials

Provide the Super Admin’s registered email address and password.

3.3 Login

Click the “Login” button to authenticate.

3.4 Manage Admin Functions

Use the dashboard to manage users, modules, settings, and more.

By following these steps, you can log in as the Super Admin and manage the AnalyticsGo SaaS platform’s essential aspects.

4. Super Admin Access and Capabilities

4.1 Dashboard Overview

Upon logging in as a super admin, users are presented with a Dashboard offering a snapshot of essential metrics such as total users, order amount, plans, and recent orders graphically. This provides a quick overview of the platform’s performance at a glance.

4.2 Companies Page

Super admins can navigate to the “Companies” page, where they can view a list of registered companies along with details like contact information and subscription status. This page also allows for user management tasks such as account activation and suspension.

4.3 Plans Page

The “Plans” page allows super admins to create, edit, and delete subscription plans. They can define pricing tiers, features, and billing cycles to suit the needs of different users. Plans can also be temporarily disabled if needed.

4.4 Plan Requests Page

Super admins can review and manage plan requests from the “Plan Requests” page. Here, they can approve or reject requests, ensuring proper oversight of subscription requests.

4.5 Coupons Page

On the “Coupons” page, super admins can create, view, edit, and delete promotional coupons. This feature enables targeted marketing campaigns and incentives for users.

4.6 Landing Page

The “Landing Pages” page allows super admins to edit and enable/disable landing pages. This feature helps optimize user engagement and conversion rates.

4.7 System Settings Page

Super admins can access the “System Settings” page to customize various platform settings. This includes branding, email configurations, storage preferences, payment methods, SEO settings, cookie management, caching policies, and Recaptcha integration.

5. Company Login Process

5.1 Google Console Setup

Companies begin by accessing the Google Console and creating a new project or selecting an existing one.

5.2 API Enablement

Within the project settings, companies enable essential Google Analytics APIs, including Analytics Hub API, Google Analytics Reporting API, Google Analytics API, Google Analytics Data API, and Google Analytics Admin API.

5.3 OAuth Client Configuration

Companies generate OAuth client credentials within the Google Console, which allows secure communication between AnalyticsGo and Google Analytics.

5.4 Integration with AnalyticsGo

The generated OAuth client credentials are added to the System Settings page in AnalyticsGo, establishing a connection between the two platforms.

5.5 JSON File Upload

Companies upload the JSON file of their Google Analytics project to the AnalyticsGo dashboard, enabling access to analytics data.

5.6 Access Analytics

With the integration complete, companies can now access and analyze their website/project analytics within AnalyticsGo, empowering them to make informed decisions and optimize performance effectively.

After completing this process, here is how you can see the analytics of your website with the help of this product.

6. Dashboard

The AnalyticsGo add-on Dashboard offers a user-friendly interface designed to provide insightful analytics at a glance. Here’s a breakdown of its key components:

6.2 Overall Performance Chart

Beneath the navigation buttons, users encounter a chart illustrating the number of active users and new users over a specified period. Additionally, numerical figures accompany this chart for precise metrics.

6.3 User Engagement Metrics

Below the overall performance chart, three separate charts provide insights into user engagement metrics:

  • Users : This chart visualizes the total number of users accessing the website, allowing users to monitor traffic trends.
  • Bounce Rate : Users can gauge the effectiveness of their website’s content and user experience by analyzing the bounce rate, which represents the percentage of visitors who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
  • Session Duration : This chart displays the average duration of user sessions, providing insights into user engagement and website usability.

6.4 Geographical Representation

A map visualization showcases the geographical distribution of new users, enabling users to identify regions with significant user growth or areas requiring targeted marketing efforts. Adjacent to the map, a live counter displays the currently active users, offering real-time insights into website traffic.

6.5 Top Active Pages

Users are presented with a list of top active pages, highlighting the most visited pages on the website. This feature assists users in identifying popular content and optimizing their website’s navigation and user experience.

6.6 Device Usage Pie Chart

The Dashboard concludes with a pie chart illustrating sessions by device type, providing users with insights into the devices used by visitors to access the website. This information can inform device-specific optimization strategies and ensure optimal compatibility across various platforms and screen sizes.

Overall, the AnalyticsGo add-on Dashboard offers a comprehensive and intuitive interface for monitoring website performance and user engagement, empowering users to make data-driven decisions and drive continuous improvement.

7. User Management System

7.1 Users

  • Users List :

    In the Users section of the User Management System, users can access a comprehensive list of all registered users. This list provides a quick overview of the individuals involved in the system.

  • Add New Users :

    Facilitating seamless user management, this page allows administrators to add new users effortlessly. This feature ensures that the system stays up-to-date with the latest additions to the user base.

  • User Log History :

    For enhanced security and accountability, the User Management System includes a feature to view the log history of users. This log offers insights into user activities, aiding in system monitoring and troubleshooting.

8. Quick View Page

The Quick View page within the AnalyticsGo product offers users a streamlined and concise overview of website performance across multiple sites. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:

8.1 Bar Graph Visualization

At the top of the Quick View page, users encounter a bar graph representing the performance of all their websites collectively. This visual representation allows for easy comparison and identification of trends across multiple sites, providing a high-level snapshot of overall performance.

8.2 Website Metrics

Below the bar graph, users are presented with detailed metrics for each website, including:

  • Number of Active Users : This metric indicates the current number of users actively engaged with each website, offering insights into real-time traffic and user activity.
  • Number of New Users : Users can track the influx of new visitors to each website, facilitating the assessment of user acquisition strategies and growth trends.
  • Bounce Rate : The bounce rate metric reflects the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a website after viewing only one page. Monitoring bounce rates helps users evaluate the effectiveness of their website’s content and user experience.
  • Sessions : This metric represents the total number of sessions initiated by users on each website, providing a comprehensive view of user engagement and interaction levels.

8.3 Report Sharing Option

Users can share reports directly from the Quick View page, allowing them to disseminate valuable insights with colleagues, stakeholders, or clients effortlessly. This feature promotes collaboration and facilitates communication by enabling users to distribute relevant analytics data efficiently.

8.4 Share Report Settings Button

For added flexibility and customization, AnalyticsGo offers a dedicated button on the Quick View page specifically designed for sharing report settings. This functionality empowers users to tailor their sharing preferences according to their unique needs and preferences, ensuring that recipients receive reports in the desired format and frequency.

By presenting these key metrics in a concise and easily accessible format, the Quick View page enables users to quickly assess the performance of their websites and identify areas for optimization or improvement. Whether monitoring overall trends or drilling down into specific site metrics, users can leverage this page to make informed decisions and drive ongoing success in their online endeavors.

9. Widgets Page

The Widget Page within AnalyticsGo offers users a flexible and customizable platform to create and compare custom widgets, empowering them to gain deeper insights into various aspects of their websites. Here’s a breakdown of how this feature works:

9.1 Creating Custom Widgets

Users can access the Widget Page to create personalized widgets tailored to their specific analytical needs. Whether it’s comparing website performance metrics, tracking user engagement trends, or evaluating marketing campaign effectiveness, users have the freedom to define the parameters and metrics they wish to monitor.

9.2 Comparing Two Aspects

The Widget Page enables users to compare two distinct aspects of their websites side by side. This functionality allows for in-depth analysis and comparison of different performance indicators, facilitating a holistic understanding of website performance and user behavior.

9.3 Widget Cards

Upon creating a custom widget, users are presented with a widget card that encapsulates the chosen metrics and parameters. These widget cards serve as visual representations of the analytical insights generated by the custom widgets, providing users with a clear and concise overview of their chosen metrics.

9.4 Visibility on Widget Page

Once created, widget cards are prominently displayed on the Widget Page for easy access and reference. Users can view and manage all their custom widgets from a centralized location, streamlining the process of monitoring and analyzing website performance metrics.

By offering a platform for creating, comparing, and visualizing custom widgets, the Widget Page within AnalyticsGo empowers users to delve deeper into their website analytics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions with confidence. Whether it’s monitoring key performance indicators, evaluating marketing strategies, or optimizing user experience, the Widget Page provides users with the tools they need to succeed in today’s competitive digital landscape.

10. Standard Page

10.1 Standard Page Overview

The Standard Page in AnalyticsGo offers users a centralized hub for accessing comprehensive analytics and insights, akin to the functionality provided by the Dashboard. Here’s a breakdown of its key components:

10.2 Navigation Buttons

Similar to the Dashboard, users encounter a set of navigation buttons at the top of the Standard Page, facilitating seamless access to various features and functionalities:

  • Select Website : This button allows users to switch between different websites associated with their account, providing flexibility in monitoring and analyzing multiple sites.
  • Add New Site : Users can utilize this button to add a new website to their AnalyticsGo account, expanding their analytics coverage effortlessly.
  • Share Report Settings : With this button, users can configure and customize report-sharing settings, enabling collaboration and dissemination of analytics insights.
  • Share Reports : The final button enables users to share reports directly from the Standard Page, fostering communication and collaboration with stakeholders.

10.3 Overall Performance Metrics

Below the navigation buttons, users encounter a comprehensive display of overall performance metrics, providing a snapshot of key indicators such as total users, order amount, plans, and recent orders. This section offers users a quick overview of their website’s performance at a glance.

10.4 Detailed Analytics

Following the overall performance metrics, users gain access to detailed analytics and insights, including:

  • User Engagement Metrics : Charts and graphs illustrating user engagement metrics such as active users, new users, bounce rate, and session duration enable users to monitor and analyze user behavior effectively.
  • Geographical Representation : A geographical map visualization showcases the distribution of website visitors by location, offering insights into user demographics and geographic reach.
  • Live Active Users : A live counter provides real-time updates on the number of active users, enabling users to track website traffic in real time.
  • Top Active Pages : A list of top active pages highlights the most visited pages on the website, allowing users to identify popular content and optimize website navigation.
  • Device Usage : A pie chart illustrates sessions by device type, providing insights into the devices used by visitors to access the website.

By providing a comprehensive overview of website performance metrics and analytics insights, the Standard Page in AnalyticsGo serves as a valuable tool for users to monitor, analyze, and optimize their online presence effectively. Whether assessing overall performance trends or drilling down into specific metrics, the Standard Page empowers users to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement in their digital endeavors.

11. Analytics Module

The Analytics module within AnalyticsGo provides users with comprehensive tools and insights to analyze various aspects of their online presence. Here’s an overview of the four pages within the Analytics module:

11.1 Channel Analysis Page

The Channel Analysis page serves as a centralized hub for users to analyze the performance of their marketing channels. Here, users can explore various details related to their channels, including traffic sources, campaign performance, and conversion metrics. By delving into these insights, users can gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and identify opportunities for optimization and improvement. Additionally, users can share and download these reports to collaborate with team members or stakeholders.

11.2 Audience Analysis Page

On the Audience Analysis page, users can delve into detailed analytics related to their website’s audience demographics, behaviors, and interests. This page provides valuable insights into key audience metrics such as demographics, user engagement, and interests, enabling users to tailor their content and marketing strategies to better resonate with their target audience. Users can also share and download these reports to facilitate collaboration and decision-making.

11.3 Web Page Analysis Page

The Web Page Analysis page allows users to analyze the performance of individual web pages within their website. Users can explore metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and average session duration for each page, helping them identify top-performing pages, as well as areas for improvement. Additionally, users can track user interactions and behavior on specific pages to optimize their website’s navigation and user experience. Sharing and downloading capabilities are available for these reports, enabling users to collaborate with team members or stakeholders and make informed decisions.

11.4 SEO Analysis Page

The SEO Analysis page provides users with insights into their website’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance. Here, users can analyze key SEO metrics such as organic search traffic, keyword rankings, and backlink profiles. By monitoring these metrics, users can identify opportunities to improve their website’s visibility in search engine results and enhance their overall SEO strategy. Users can also share and download these reports to facilitate collaboration and decision-making among team members or stakeholders.

Overall, the Analytics module within AnalyticsGo empowers users to gain actionable insights into various aspects of their online presence, from marketing channel performance to audience demographics and web page optimization. By leveraging these insights and sharing reports with relevant stakeholders, users can make informed decisions to optimize their digital strategy and drive success online.

12. Custom Page

The Custom Page feature within AnalyticsGo offers users the flexibility to analyze website data according to their specific requirements and preferences. Here’s an overview of how this feature works:

12.1 Customized Analysis

The Custom Page allows users to tailor their analytics experience by selecting the metrics and dimensions they want to analyze. Users can choose from a wide range of available metrics and dimensions to create custom charts and visualizations that best suit their analytical needs.

12.2 Metric Selection

Users have the freedom to select the specific metrics they want to analyze, such as page views, sessions, bounce rate, conversion rate, and more. This flexibility enables users to focus on the metrics that are most relevant to their goals and objectives.

12.3 Dimension Selection

In addition to selecting metrics, users can also choose the dimensions they want to analyze. Dimensions provide context to the data by categorizing it based on various attributes such as traffic source, device type, geographical location, and more. By selecting dimensions, users can gain deeper insights into how different factors influence website performance.

12.4 Visualization Options

Once users have selected the desired metrics and dimensions, AnalyticsGo automatically generates custom charts and visualizations based on the chosen parameters. Users can choose from a variety of chart types, including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, and more, to visualize their data in a way that is easy to understand and interpret.

13. Alerts Module

The Alerts module within AnalyticsGo provides users with a powerful tool to stay informed about critical changes in website performance. Here’s an overview of how this feature works:

13.1 Creating Alerts

Users can create custom alerts by specifying the title of the alert, selecting the website for which they want to receive alerts, and choosing the metrics they want to monitor. This flexibility allows users to tailor alerts to their specific needs and objectives.

13.2 Title and Website Selection

When creating an alert, users can provide a descriptive title that clearly identifies the purpose or context of the alert. Users also have the option to select the website for which they want to receive alerts, making it easy to monitor multiple websites from a single dashboard.

13.3 Metric Selection

Users can choose from a variety of metrics to monitor, including traffic volume, conversion rates, bounce rates, and more. By selecting the metrics that are most important to them, users can ensure that they receive alerts for the key performance indicators that matter most to their business.

13.4 Alert Thresholds

Users can set specific thresholds for each metric to trigger an alert. For example, users may want to receive an alert if website traffic drops below a certain threshold or if the bounce rate exceeds a certain percentage. By setting custom thresholds, users can ensure that they are notified of significant changes in website performance.

13.5 Alert Delivery Options

Users can choose how they want to receive alerts, whether through email notifications, SMS messages, or in-app notifications. This flexibility allows users to stay informed about critical changes in website performance, no matter where they are or what device they are using.

13.6 Viewing Alert History

The Alerts module also allows users to view the history of alerts, including when alerts were triggered and the specific metrics that triggered them. This feature provides users with valuable insight into past performance trends and allows them to track changes over time.

Overall, the Alerts module in AnalyticsGo empowers users to stay informed about critical changes in website performance and take timely action to address any issues that arise. By providing customizable alerts and comprehensive alert history, AnalyticsGo ensures that users have the information they need to make informed decisions and optimize their online presence effectively.

14. Reports Page

14.1 Monthly Reports

Monthly reports provide users with a comprehensive overview of website performance metrics aggregated over each month. These reports offer valuable insights into trends and patterns in website traffic, user engagement, conversion rates, and more. By reviewing monthly reports, users can track progress toward their goals, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize their website’s performance over time.

14.2 Daily Reports

Daily reports offer users detailed insights into website performance metrics on a day-to-day basis. These reports provide visibility into fluctuations in website traffic, user behavior, and other key metrics, allowing users to monitor changes in real time and respond promptly to emerging trends or issues. Daily reports empower users to stay proactive in managing their website’s performance and making timely adjustments to their digital strategy.

14.3 Weekly Reports

Weekly reports present users with a summarized view of website performance metrics for each week. These reports offer a convenient snapshot of performance trends and patterns over a week, enabling users to identify any notable changes or anomalies that may require attention. Weekly reports facilitate ongoing monitoring of website performance and provide users with actionable insights to drive continuous improvement.

By offering monthly, daily, and weekly reports, AnalyticsGo equips users with the timely and relevant information they need to optimize their website’s performance effectively. Whether tracking long-term trends, monitoring daily fluctuations, or assessing weekly performance, users can leverage these reports to make data-driven decisions and achieve their business objectives with confidence.

15. Plans Page

The Plan page within AnalyticsGo simplifies the subscription process by presenting users with a range of tailored plans to suit their specific needs and budgetary constraints. Users can easily compare features and pricing through a comprehensive feature comparison table, enabling informed decision-making. With transparent pricing and flexible billing options, users can confidently select the subscription plan that aligns with their requirements. The page also offers customization options, allowing users to adjust their plan as needed, ensuring a seamless fit for evolving needs. Overall, the Plan page streamlines the subscription journey, empowering users to access the analytics tools they need to drive success in their digital endeavors.

16. System Settings

In the comprehensive System Settings of AnalyticsGo, you have the flexibility to tailor your product’s branding, currency configurations, company details, email settings, payment gateways, and much more. Let’s delve into the intricacies of each section:

16.1 Brand Settings

Customize the appearance of your product with logo choices for both dark and light themes, set favicons, define title and footer text, choose default language, and enable Right-to-Left (RTL) text direction. Tailor the theme customizer, sidebar settings, and layout settings to suit your preferences.

16.2 System Settings

Configure essential details like Authorized Redirect URL, and Date Format.

16.3 Email ID

Set up email parameters, including mail driver, host, port, username, password, encryption, and mail-sending preferences. Options for sending text mail are also available.

16.4 Slack

To integrate AnalyticsGo with Slack, users authorize the connection, customize notification preferences, and designate channels for alerts. By managing settings within AnalyticsGo and Slack, users ensure seamless communication of updates and alerts, fostering efficient collaboration among team members.

16.5 Reports

Manage report settings by enabling/disabling the email notifications of reports, and frequency of daily, weekly, and monthly reports.

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