
Skip Cart – eCommerceGo Addon

  • Pre-Required : eCommerceGo
  • Free Theme/Package Installation
  • Free 6 Months of Support
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
$ 39

Single Tap & On-Page Checkout

The first feature of the Skip Cart module is the Single Tap Checkout. When this setting is enabled from the backend, your customers can choose their preferred checkout path. If they select the "checkout page" option, they will be directly navigated to the checkout page after selecting an item. Alternatively, if they choose the "cart page" option, they will be directed to the cart page first. This flexibility allows customers to streamline their shopping experience based on their preferences, enhancing user satisfaction and potentially increasing conversion rates.

The second page of the Skip Cart module focuses on On-Page Checkout. With this feature, when a product is added to the cart, the customer is immediately taken to the checkout page. This eliminates the need for multiple steps and pages, making the purchase process quicker and more straightforward. By minimizing the number of clicks required to complete a purchase, the On-Page Checkout feature can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates and boost sales.
Skip Cart – eCommerceGo Addon
Skip Cart – eCommerceGo Addon

Sticky Cart Checkout

The Skip Cart module also includes a Sticky Cart function, which enhances the shopping experience by keeping the cart visible and easily accessible at all times. Customers can adjust the position of the sticky cart to suit their browsing preferences, ensuring that it does not obstruct their view of the products. This constant visibility allows customers to review their selections at any moment, making it easier to add or remove items without having to navigate away from the product pages. The sticky cart function helps to create a more seamless and user-friendly shopping experience.

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