AccountGo SaaS - Changelog

Here you can see the timeline of updates that came out and what we did to bring new to the version.

6.6 - July 29th 2024

  • Added New Payment Gateway : AuthorizeNet ,Tap and Khalti Added
  • Terms & condition and privacy policy check box add in SignUpAdded
  • Recaptcha version v3 updatedImproved
  • Fixed small bugs Fixed

6.5 - May 20th 2024

  • Referral or Affiliate Option AddedAdded
  • Added New Payment Gateway : Nepalste, Paiement Pro, CinetPay, PayHere and FedaPayAdded
  • Improvement in Landing page moduleImproved

6.4 - February 7th 2024

  • Brand color customizer option for Superadmin and CompanyAdded
  • SuperAdmin can Hide or Delete plan Added
  • SuperAdmin can Refund Plan Subscription Payment Added
  • ChatGPT version 3.5 updatedAdded
  • SuperAdmin can Delete CompanyAdded
  • Company can Enable/ Disable Users , Customers and Vendors Added
  • Free Trial option on Plan module Added
  • Improvement in Double Entry module. Improved

6.3 - December 18th 2023

  • Super Admin can Enable/ Disable the Company's Users Added
  • Fixed small bugs Fixed

6.2 - November 21st 2023

  • Upgrade Laravel version 9 to 10 Added
  • Added New Payment Gateway : Yookassa, Midtrans, Xendit Added
  • Improvement in Auth pages (login,register,forgot password) design layout. Improved

6.1 - Sep 18th 2023

  • Added SMTP Settings in company login Added
  • Fixed small bugs Fixed

6.0 - Jul 27th 2023

  • Added PayTR payment gateway integration. Added
  • Added Dark recaptcha. Added
  • Small improvement in landing page module Improved
  • Added Summernote text editor instead of TinyMC text editor Improved

5.9 - July 11th 2023

  • Added new payment gateway integration (PayTab, Benefit, Cashfree, Aamarpay) . Added

5.8 - July 6th 2023

  • Added CMS base dynamic landing page. Added
  • Add new languages Chinese, Turkish, Hebrew, Portuguese(BR). Added
  • Add language Disable/enable functionality. Added

5.7 - Jun 21th 2023

  • Added Iyzipay payment gateway. Added
  • Added SSPay payment gateway. Added
  • Added Storage limit in plan wise. Added
  • Added AI modules. Added

5.6 - June 02nd 2023

  • Add Manually and Banktransfer payment gateway. Added

5.5 - May 15th 2023

  • Added Notification template module. Added
  • Added New theme colors. Added

5.4 - April 28th 2023

  • Added Payfast payment Gateway. Added
  • Added Webhook settings. Added
  • Added Cookie consent settings. Added
  • Added Userloged details modules. Added

5.3 - April 13th 2023

  • Design improvement in balance-sheet,payment setting modules. Improved
  • added Toyyibpay payment Gateway. Added
  • Added Email verification security enable/disabled feature. Added

5.2 - March 30th 2023

  • Fixed Smalll Bug. Fixed

5.1 - February 27th 2023

  • Small improvement in customer & vendor address details in proposal, invoice & bill. Improved

5.0 - February 16th 2023

  • Added Email verification security feature in the user registration. Added
  • Added .csv export feature in report modules. Added

4.9 - January 30th 2023

  • Upgrade Laravel version 8 to 9 Added

4.8 - November 10th 2022

  • Integrate cloud data storage like local , AWS and wasabi Added

4.7 - August 23th 2022

  • Add retainer (advance payment) module Added

4.6 - August 10th 2022

  • Add email template Added
  • Small improvement in design layout like setting page etc. Improved

4.5 - August 4th 2022

  • Add contract module Added

4.4 - July 11th 2022

  • Company can also change own settings like RTL on/off, primary color settings, sidebar settings, layout settings Added
  • Small improvement & bug fix in design layout like setting page etc. Improved

4.3 - May 13th 2022

  • Upgrade Theme Added

4.2 - March 16th 2022

  • Small improvement in stock or inventory management. Improved
  • Add new stock report. Added

4.1 - February 23th 2022

  • Admin/Company should be able to reset password for users. Added
  • Add new PT(portuguese) lang. Added
  • "Select all" feature add in role permissions module. Added
  • Add new paymentwall payment gateway in invoice & plan module. Added
  • Add customer & vendor statement report. Added

4.0 - February 7th 2022

  • Added reCaptcha in login, register & reset password page. Added
  • Admin can enabled/disabled user register module. Added
  • Stock or Inventory management. Added

3.9 - January 6th 2022

  • Added Twilio for text message Added

3.8 - December 21th 2021

  • Added Budget Planner Added

3.7 - December 14th 2021

  • Added Import/Export in Excel in Customer, Vendor, Product/service, Proposal, Invoice, Bill. Added

3.6 - December 3rd 2021

  • Company can send plan request & admin can accept or reject plan request (Manually Payment Gateway). Added
  • Added Qrcode in Proposal, Invoice & Bill. Added

3.5 - October 30th 2021

  • Added GDPR Cookies. Added

3.4 - May 26th 2021

  • Added New Payment Gateway : Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate. Added

3.3 - May 18th 2021

  • Added RTL Feature. Added
  • Landing Page will be edited via admin side. Improved

3.2 - May 04th 2021

  • Small Improvement. Improved

3.1 - March 27th 2021

  • Fixed Smalll Bug. Fixed

3.0 - March 3th 2021

  • Add Product/Service Description Column & Custom Filed in Proposal,Invoice & Bill PDF Added
  • Display Paid,Due & Credit Note Amount in Invoice PDF Added
  • Display Paid,Due & Debit Note Amount in Bill PDF Added
  • Add Security for Prevent Back Button after Logout in All Module Added
  • Make Optional Taxes in Product/Service Module Improved
  • Improved Security for Proposal,Invoice,Bill,Customer & Vendor Edit & View Pages Improved

2.9 - February 6th 2021

  • Small Improvement Like Balance Sheet & Landing Page Display On/Off Settings Improved

2.8 - January 21th 2021

  • Double Entry : Chart of Accounts, Journal Entry, General Ledger, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance Added
  • Bug Improvement Improved

2.7 - January 8th 2021

  • Upgrade Theme & Added Landing Page Added
  • Small Improvement Improved

2.6 - September 28th 2020

  • New feature for export, report data. Added
  • Make client and vendor profile. Improved

2.5 - September 17th 2020

  • If type and category is assigned to anyone then prevent while delete. Fixed
  • Dynamic setting for decimal places. Added
  • Quick menu for Invoice and Product. Improved
  • Shipping lable on/off setting for each company. Improved
  • Description for items in invoice, proposal and bill. Added
  • Fixed Minor Bugs. Fixed

1.1 - Initial Release